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      The students of the preparatory group and the 1st grade will be admitted to the Georgian-American school

  Based on the interview,

  And II-XI class students - on the basis of interview/testing.

  After the testing and interview, an agreement on educational services will be signed between the student's legal representative and the school.

  The documents required to enroll a student in a Georgian-American school are:

  1. 1 copy of the notarized birth certificate;
  2. 2 photographs 3x4;
  3. health certificate;
  4. Copies of parents' ID cards;
  5. Notice from parents' workplace.


Registration for  I Graders

in the Integrated Program


Registration for Grades

II - XII in the Integrated Program

Students In Uniform

Registration (IX-XII Grades)

American High School Diploma Program

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